Problems Associated with Pesticide Usage and Application in Nigerian

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These pesticides and herbicides are being used commonly by Nigerian farmers. They come in many brands but they are all organophosphate (OPPs) or pyrethenoid (PTs) compounds.

No doubt they increase farm yields, but they are also very toxic to humans. Last year, 4 patients with pesticide poisoning presented at a NE hospital, 3 of whom died due to late presentation. Respiratory or kidney failure is the usual cause of death.

Before you ask, let me answer. Food grown with these chemicals are safe since plants don’t retain them much. Farmers get poisoned when mixing or spraying them at the farm because they are inhaled and absorbed from the skin. That can be avoided by wearing masks and avoiding skin contact.

So, farmers beware. A government enlightenment campaign on radio and TV would be best. But I don’t see any, so I’m cautioning farmers on Fb. They can spread the message to other farmers not on Fb.

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